1. 2018 Viewbug Community Choice Award


       d'un fils de nazis


“Je suis né en 1937. Mon père, duquel je me souviens si peu, à part cette image où je le vois me prenant dans ses bras et me soulevant très haut dans les airs, est mort dans un accident de voiture quelques mois avant la déclaration de la guerre. Petit, il paraît que je ne cessais de le réclamer lorsqu’il était au travail, ma mère, elle, en était très fière, car il comptait parmi les hautes autorités du Parti, faisant de nous une famille respectée ...”


La première partie de ces ‘Mémoires’ est le texte de l’auteur le plus largement diffusé dans le monde. Il a paru dans des revues littéraires en français (l’Autre Journal, le Bulletin de la Fondation Auschwitz, Les Cahiers du Sens, etc.), en anglais, toujours dans sa propre version, aussi bien aux Etats-Unis, qu’au Canada, en Grande Bretagne et en Inde , réédité à plusieurs reprises, ainsi qu’en traduction italienne, allemande , grecque, turque et polonaise. En août 2014, ce même texte a été pré-sélectionné, sous le titre de 'Venitian Thresholds', par l'American Gem and Filmmakers Literary Festival.





Published by l'Aleph in November 2013


2009 BOOK AWARDS www.indieexcellence.com

Multicultural Fiction Finalist




Shalom Tower Syndrome was also a Finalist in the "Fiction & Literature"category at 

The National Best Books 2007 Awards.

It was also released in 2008 in Italian by Edizioni Fabio Croce

The novel is set in Israel. Alexis, who grew up in Rwanda-Burundi, is the son of an Italian Jew and a beautiful mulatto woman. As a young adult, he now queries the complexity of his roots: African-European and Judeo-Christian (his mother was raised a Catholic). The author guides the reader through a progression of exciting and complicated episodes involving Alexis. With his American wife he will vacation in Israel, and that stay will be a turning point in his life. The past catches up with him, exploding with the images of one man's life kaleidoscope: the memories of his African years, colliding with the more recent images of Milan, the smells, the colors and the primeval beauty of the black continent, mingling with those of Italy, as well as with the violent feelings Israel stirs in him. In that dense and haunting atmosphere he will meet young Israelis, a Palestinian and a German professor, the nephew of a Nazi soldier who died during WWII. Will Alexis finally reconcile himself with the conflicting parts of his identity? Will he feel more African or more European; more Catholic or more Jewish; or will his new environment help him find peace within himself, in spite of the country’s current dangers? The ‘mystery’ will unravel in the last chapter of this largely autobiographical novel. ‘There is a type of novel whose aim, as Jonathan Swift wrote of his intention behind Gulliver's Travels, is to “vex the world rather than divert it.” If it's a good and true novel then it will inevitably also serve both as a vexatious testament and a diverting read. Such is Albert Russo's I-sraeli Syndrome.

I-sraeli Syndrome is very much a biography of the soul, and as much as that of any latter-day Harry Haller, and Russo seems to have dredged in its pages the depths of his own being in order to have written it.’ 

                          David Alexander                              


Excerpt from James Baldwin's letter to the author, penned the year of his death: “I like your work very much indeed. It has a very gentle surface and a savage under-tow. You're a dangerous man.”

See the author's own French version entitled LA TOUR SHALOM, published by Editions Hors Commerce in 2005 . SHALOM TOWER SYNDROME was also published in Italian in 2008 by Libreria Edizioni Croce

Albert RUSSO

in Montauk, Long Island, New York



Sang mêlé

Le grand roman

d'Albert Russo


Ginkgo Editeur 

Diffusion/distribution CDE/Sodis





Editions France Loisirs


Some of my photos were exhibited at the

Museum of Photography in Lausanne, Switzerland, in Times Square (NYC), at the Louvre Museum, the Pierre Cardin Space, both in Paris, and in Venice


Quelques unes de mes photos ont été exposées au

Musée de l'Elysée à Lausanne, à Times Square, au Louvre, à l'espace Cardin à Paris et à Venise








A trilogy of Albert Russo’s



African novels set in

the former Belgian Congo

and Rwanda-Urundi






XLibris - English

- Lettre de James Balwin à Albert Russo à propos de 'Sang Mêlé ':


“... J’aime votre écriture, car dans un style policé vous exprimez des sentiments violents, faisant éclater des vérités terrifiantes.”


- Voici ce que le grand écrivain contemporain, Edmund White, l'auteur de la magistrale biographie de Jean Genet et de romans à succès, dit de SANG MELE :


"Albert Russo a su recréer, à travers les joies et les angoisses d'un jeune métis congolais, les tensions de la vie moderne, qu'il s'agisse des relations entre noirs et blancs, entre le Tiers monde et nos sociétés technologiquement avancées, ou de la question toujours épineuse de l'homosexualité ...  SANG MELE est un roman que l'on ne lache pas, tel quel, il est envoûtant."




The Norwegian Public Schools have chosen Albert Russo's poem LOST IDENTITY for their students' (close to 2,000) final English examinations, before they can enter university.


tell me what to do
tell me where to go
am I losing my bearings?
why are you still
by my side?
I don’t recognize you anymore
I can’t remember
the good times
they seem to have dissolved
into a slipstream
give me your hand
I want to feel its pulse
I’m suddenly so cold inside
and terribly spare
because it is not you
I’ve become a stranger to
but myself 


City of lovers / of wonder

Parie la Grosse Pomme

Indie excellence finalist


Both books lauded by the Mayor of New York City



New York at heart

New York au coeur


Indie excellence finalist




Body glorious /

Corps à corps


Books And Authors 2008 WINNER


Indie excellence finalist



Photolaureate 2009


Ville d’Avray, France

Albert Russo

in his NYC apartment


in Montauk, Long Island,

            New York







Bruxelles au galop

Brussels Ride





All photos  and  English book covers are by /


Toutes les photos et couvertures de livres en anglais sont de /



Featured Artist



VIEWbug rockstar award


twilight in Venice

Svalbard, North Pole


and Peer awards


The ViewBug team has chosen one of your B&W images for inclusion in our Black & White Masterpieces photo contest! We thought your image was perfect. Your selected photo is:



Rockstar award for tropical flowers in TLV


VIEWBUG Trendsetting:

  1.  Benoît



2. Singer Salit Fridman

and friend, Tel Aviv





   A L B ER T    R U S S O



     aging among the fish


  with Congolese friends


with the Director

of the philantropic  Sarvodaya

in Sri Lanka



receiving the British    Diversity Award in  London, United Kingdom



           at UNESCO

 with Director Mr M'Bow  and African friends



  acting in Paris theater




     with French actress                Suzanne Flon



     in Brugge, Belgium



in Milan, Italy



New York University


     in Berlin, Germany


     in Laeken, Belgium


presenting his first book  on television



in Palma de Mallorca,   Spain


jiving with his little  sister in Usumbura,  Ruanda-Urundi


with his beloved mother in front of lake Kivu, Eastern Congo


in Kobe, Japan


in Sion, Switzerland


with his cousin Reggie in  Rhodesia / Zimbabwe


      with his parents in

Cape Town, South Africa

  1. Best Israeli photographer

      35Awards - Moscow


Bryggen: Bergen, Norway

Halong Bay - Vietnam


Valencia sand art - Spain


New paperback edition including the 10 episodes of

the hilarious GOSH ZAPINETTE! Volume - The first ever series of Global Jewish Humor - 770 pages at US$ 35

now released by Cyberwit at all the major online bookstores

worldwide: Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, etc.




or just simply go to the author’s website: www.albertrusso.com




Kindle links: see Amazon.com, UK, Fr, etc.: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N8RTMJC


For those of you who have little time to read, you won't have to spend more than ten minutes whenever you open the book, you can just cover 2 or 3 pages at a time, since this big book is sprinkled with anecdotes that can be followed separately, so don't hesitate, it will relax you at night before you sleep and hopefully make you laugh, as it did for a few people who were very stressed before an operation.  They laughed so much that they forgot about the surgery they had to undergo the following morning.


Reviews of some novels of the GOSH ZAPINETTE! Series

             This volume is 770 pages-long and costs US$ 35 in print

it also exists as an e-book

Zapinette lives with her mother, a staunch ‘felinist’ who owns a beauty parlor in Paris, as well as with Firmin, the latter’s boyfriend. The girl however feels much closer to her ‘Unky Berky’, in spite of the fact that he is “such a weirdo at times and can get on her bloomin nerves”. Through Firmin, ‘the vermin’, she learns that her beloved uncle is a ‘homey setchual’. They will travel to many countries together and the trips promise to be quite bumpy, they are peppered with adventures of the quirkiest type.


THE LITERARY REVIEW by David Alexander:
“... Be warned, Zapinette’s gems of insouciant wit tend to become infectious. This wise-child’s deceptively worldly innocence takes the entire gamut of human endeavor in its compass. Hardly anyone or anything escapes unscathed. Michael Jackson,Vittorio de Sica, Freddy Mercury, Mao Zedong, Bill and Hill, the Pope, Fidel Castro, and even Jesus of Nazareth all come under Zapinette’s delightfully zany fire as she “zaps” from topic to topic in an irrepressible flux. As the 21st century has reached its second decade, we have seen the future and the future is sham. As a healthy dose of counter-sham, Zapinette Video should be on every brain-functional person’s reading list.”


“... This book is a great ramble, rather like a chapterless Montaigne popping from one subject to the next, drawing connections no one else would ever have thought of, but with Groucho Marx, say, passing on hints over the writer’s shoulder as to how to go about it. We readers chuckle along and even burst out laughing as we advance through this hilarious book, but we gather, we too willy-nilly, the serious messages underlying the frolicking bounce and jocular mode of the writing.”



La série hilarante de Zapinette et son tonton homo, publiée par TG, électroniquement, pour tous ages, de 13 à 113 ans. Ils voyagent de pays en pays et vont traverser les aventures les plus folles. Zapinette, omnisciente et philosophe à sa manière,

accompagne partout son tonton farfelu, qu'elle mène à la baguette. 


Vous pouvez l'obtenir sur Amazon et sur d'autres librairies en ligne: https://www.7switch.com/fr/list/publisher-1786-editions-textes-gais/search/page/1/date?q=Albert+Russo


ou en livre broché : http://motsbouche.com/fr/livres/27094-les-aventures-rocambolesques-de-zapinette-et-de-son-tonton-homo-9791029402340.html




Albert Russo's first ever book published in Hebrew

ZAPY IN THE HOLYLAND - translation:by Isabella Arad

Publisher: SAAR - http://www.h-saar.co.il/פרופיל-ההוצאה-לאור
The book is available in the main bookstores:

Steimatzky, Zomet Sfarim, etc. across Israel




Under the Shirttails of Albert Russo

an alternative biography by Adam Donaldson Powell



With laser-like precision Adam Donaldson Powell bores into Albert Russo’s psyche, while in parallel he analyzes the work of a lifetime. But more often than not, there is a process of cross-fertilization, whether it is clearly identified or on the sidelines. He interviews his subject, not always in a linear fashion, scanning the latter’s important stages of life: there is first Central, Eastern – the former Belgian Congo (now, DRCongo), Ruanda-Urundi (now, the two countries of Rwanda and Burundi) and Southern Africa – Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa, where the author was raised, completing high school at the Interracial Athénée of Usumbura (now Bujumbura), studying with European, Congolese, Hutu, Tutsi, Asian and American classmates, both in French and in English (he also went to an all-boys’ school in Salisbury, now called Harare). We then find him in the Big Apple at the age of seventeen, attending New York University, after which, he pursues his studies in German at the Collegium Platinum in Heidelberg. The subject is asked very intimate questions about his private life, with which he is faced for the first time. And he reveals facts he never thought could one day be thrust into the open. But still, he complies, candidly. Mr. Powell illustrates with excerpts of the author’s novels, poems and short stories, which are all either clearly or subconsciously related to Albert Russo’s life, as well as photos, letters and book reviews from Albert Russo’s personal archives. Mentioned are his AFRICAN QUATUOR, the collected poems in the CROWDED WORLD OF SOLITUDE, volume two, his collected stories and essays in the CROWDED WORLD OF SOLITUDE, volume one, and finally, his GOSH ZAPINETTE! series, of which David Alexander writes: “… Be warned, Zapinette’s gems of insouciant wit tend to become infectious. This wise-child’s deceptively worldly innocence takes the entire gamut of human endeavor in its compass. Hardly anyone or anything escapes unscathed. Michael Jackson,Vittorio de Sica, Freddy Mercury, Mao Zedong, Bill and Hill, the Pope, Fidel Castro, and even Jesus of Nazareth all come under Zapinette’s delightfully zany fire as she “zaps” from topic to topic in an irrepressible flux. As the century of the double zeros is with us, we have seen the future and the future is sham. As a healthy dose of counter-sham, Zapinette should be on every brain-functional person’s reading list.” After America, the subject moves to Northern Italy where he will reside nine years, then to Brussels. He spends half of his life in Paris, France, before finally settling in Tel Aviv Israel. When asked what his roots are, he replies that he is a humanist born in Africa, with his virtual roots being the languages which he speaks: English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, vernacular Swahili, as well as those he can only read: Portuguese and Dutch. He will soon add Hebrew. Those cherished languages are much more than forms of speech, they are his planet, from which he extracts much of the sap of his writing.


Get Under the Shirttails of Albert Russo. Pre-order details available soon!



both written originally by Albert Russo turned into movie by Wildsound feature film - producer Matthew Toffolo:


EUR-AFRICAN EXILES, published by l’Aleph, Wisehouse Publishing: http://l-aleph.com/wordpress/?p=615 +




EXILS AFRICAINS publié par Ginkgo Éditeur, Paris:



Watch novel ADOPTED BY AN AMERICAN HOMOSEXUAL IN THE BELGIAN CONGO by Albert Russo, a Wildsound feature film, English book by l'Aleph - Wisehouse Publishing, French book: SANG MÊLÉ by Ginkgo Éditeur, both originally written by Russo,

SANGUE MISTO, by Elliot, Rome, (Italian translation).


See the whole video:






the single episodes:

Chapter 1 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJP58K1hnjA

Chapter 2 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DuOQeLeIqU

Chapter 3 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEfwwhuQeTs

Chapter 4 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vngZj6hripA

Chapter 5 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81MCo2FG-VA

Chapter 6 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwLImGQjlsc


      Chapter 7 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=helNyo- K3Zg&list=PL-0CVDAfvxipx_mmp6cMKV1Ws2iNN6dMQ&index=7


Chapter 8 of AAHBC movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_W8AWpl7X8&index=8&list=PL-0CVDAfvxipx_mmp6cMKV1Ws2iNN6dMQ


The photo ‘Guitars amid Venitian masks’ by Albert Russo

was displayed at the Louvre Museum in Paris

 celebrating The Exposure Award on July 13th, 2015.





CMC blog: http://chameleon.l-aleph.com/

This is the author's major work of literature in English, it is an unconventional, atypical memoir entitled CALL ME CHAMELEON (or CMC), and it encompasses seven decades of living, writing and photographing,

on four continents. Please read any post that might attract you on this link and kindly respond on the blog itself (not by private email). With much appreciation


The corresponding e-book will be launched this Autumn.










Watch Novel EUR-AFRICAN EXILES by Albert Russo
turned into movie. 88min. Wildsound feature film:


EUR-AFRICAN EXILES, published by l’Aleph, Sweden:
http://l-aleph.com/wordpress/?p=615 +



Researchers and students of literature may now

access the Albert Russo Literary Archives

in Brussels, Belgium, the capital of the European Union:


Chercheurs et étudiants en littérature peuvent désormais

consulter le Fonds littéraire Albert Russo:  



Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier

Boulevard de l'Empereur 4

1000 Bruxelles - Belgique



search / rechercher: Auteur Albert Russo




Léodine l'Africaine by Albert Russo, éditions gingko-éditeur, the author’s French version of Leodine of the Belgian Congo published by l'Aleph, was nominated for Belgium’s Prix Victor Rossel 2012.




Painting and collage on stained glass entitled AIR DE MONTMARTRE,

exhibited with photos on canvas at ESPACE PIERRE CARDIN, Paris

Photos retouched on canvas exhibited at Espace PIERRE CARDIN, Paris



The African Quatuor


Princes and Gods, Adopted by an American Homosexual in 

the Belgian Congo, Eur-African Exiles, Leodine of the Belgian Congo


published by l'Aleph



includes Albert Russo's award-winning novels set in the former Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi, with historical facts which will surprise the English-speaking readers who are only aware of the often distorted reports they gather in today’s media, that do not differentiate between the cruel era of King Léopold II and the Belgian Congo, created in 1908, after the international scandal.


Note of the Author: I’d like to stress the fact that these four novels take place in countries where I have lived for 17 years: Congo / Zaïre, Rwanda and Burundi, three countries administered by Belgium, that have been in the news recently for their current and past tragedies: the 1994 Rwandan genocide in which about a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus have been murdered withing the space of 100 days; Burundi, which has the same Hutu-Tutsi problem and where hundreds of thousands of people have been slaughterred, and, finally, Congo / Zaïre (DRC), where 5 to 6 million people - some even mention 7 or 8 million - have died within the last 10 years in internecine feuds, especially in its two eastern provinces of Kivu, as well as between the government’s armies and the rebels,


I should also specify that I have lived and gone to school with Congolese, Tutsis and Hutus for at least 6 years (up to my baccalaureate) and thus have a real knowledge of their plight and that my mother was raised in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).


Apart from the Sorbonne, the Catholic University of Paris, and the University of Trier, Germany (where ‘Le Cap des Illusions’, my apartheid novel was studied and discussed, and which was banned in South Africa during the apartheid regime), all my African novels are being currently studied at the University of Lubumbashi, (Katanga province, Congo / Zaïre) by students of history and of literature, which makes me especially proud, inasmuch as my poems and other writings are constantly published in anthologies with my Congolese brothers and sisters, the last one, bearing the title ‘Les Voix du Congo’, published by ‘Le Cri’, in Belgium.


Excerpts from reviews and comments on the four novels:


World Literature Today (USA): “In Léodine of the Belgian Congo, the reader will find, as in the three other novels, Princes and Gods, Eur-African Exiles and Adopted by an American in the Belgian Congo, many poignant and delightful passages, especially in the journeys across the magnificent Kivu province, which today, along with bordering Rwanda and Burundi, has been scarred by fratricidal wars. That Leodine, in the opening novel, happens to be an adolescent, as was Leopold in Adopted by an American in the Belgian Congo, isn’t fortuitous, for it is at that vulnerable period of one’s life that one’s personality takes form. In Albert Russo’s Africa you will find humankind’s infinite diversity and, amid such  richness, a quest for the deep self.”


James Baldwin's words to the author, penned the year of his death: «I like your work very much indeed. It has a very gentle surface and a savage under-tow. You're a dangerous man.»


Edmund White: «Albert Russo has recreated through a young African boy's joys and struggles many of the tensions of modern life, straight and gay, black and white, third world and first ... all of these tensions underlie this story of a biracial child adopted by a benevolent American. Adopted by an American in the Belgian Congo is a nonstop, gripping read!»


Vers L'Avenir, Belgium: ... To tell a story is an art. It is an art which Albert Russo possesses. And the reader's attention is sustained, unflaggingly, throughout the novel's 258 pages. The author succeeds in being heeded like those Bantu storytellers who, deep inside the bush, recount tragic or fantastic tales inherited from the old oral tradition.»


La Liberté / Dimanche, Switzerland: «...born and raised in Zaire, Albert Russo masterfully depicts a world which is so particular, with its customs and mores, its atmosphere and its passions, a totally different way of life. What he has achieved here is almost a piece of ethnology.»


Jeune Afrique: «... Largely autobiographical, this work is written in the manner of an exorcism, it is engrossing and reveals a very real talent.»


Mwanga (Congo / Zaire / DRC): «... a work of universal appeal ... the human message is the 'fetish' which vibrates in the author's book.»






a Greco-African thriller based on true facts, set in Rwanda-Urundi


Damiana, the enticing wife of Tobias Antoniades, a wealthy Greek merchant twenty years younger than him, has the reputation of being a hot ticket in town.  Among Damiana’s lovers are the Tutsi Mwami himself, a Belgian police officer and Dimitri Stavros, a cinema owner.  Damiana has added to her list a young American, Oswald Radcliffe, who works as a paramedic at the Evangelical mission.  Oswald is a poet and an idealist. Dimitri is terribly jealous and wants Damiana to divorce her husband. To reach his aims he will gradually get involved in the local politics and before he realizes it he will be chosen as the hitman in the assassination of the Tutsi Prince Ruego, slated to become the country’s first Prime Minister.


All facts are true and the narrator has lived through them, only the real names have been changed. It is mostly about the Hutu and the Tutsi and their feud (refer to the 1994 Tutsi genocide Rwanda).



USA http://www.amazon.com/Princes-Gods-







Ghana -  http://www.modernghana.com/news/518605/1/award-winning-author-albert-russo-launches-his-bri.html














From Rhodes and Rhodesia to the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi


An Eur-African Saga










From Rhodes and Rhodesia to the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi


An Eur-African Saga








Wildsound film festival: feature documentary

«Eur-African Exiles»

Sandro’s diary, published by l'Aleph


  1. part 1 of 5 episodes:   
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Z5Wmew-9c
  1. part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AkFcwsn6ws







From American Slavery Back to Colonial Africa and After








The Quatuor of African novels collected in a single e-book l'Aleph publishers - 682 pages - ISBN 9789187751448


ALBERT RUSSO in Kamina, Katanga Province, Belgian Congo / DR Congo




Palmarès du Concours Europoésie UNICEF 2013 Awards

Conte et Nouvelle / poetic prose
1er Prix / First Prize: RUSSO Albert

                Vengeance par procuration / Revenge by Proxy                          





from the GOSH ZAPINETTE ! series





A hilarious, irreverent romp through the life of a child of the new century! Set in Paris and Northern Italy [refers to the first 3 volumes], the work shows us the world through the eyes of Zapinette, a little girl who is smart, quick-witted, accepting and dazzling. Russo's use of slang language and spelling is just plain fun! The book is done in the stream of consciousness of a child and jumps from subject to subject providing a very detailed, if not explainable, roadmap through a child's thought process. A fun and enjoyable book. Give yourself and a friend a smile – buy and share this work!


Leslie BlanchardA Writer's Choice Literary Magazine (USA).


Available through Amazon, Barnes & Nobles in America and in Europe.






Photos, poems and the full NOVEL entitled AND THERE WAS DAVID-KANZA based on my parents' lives in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa and Europe (Italy and Belgium), with eulogy received from family and friends around the world, from India to the United States, from Australia to Israel, from Norway to the Pacific, and, of course, mainly from Africa, south of the Sahara, relating to my beloved mother Sarah Russo.


Large A4-size book of 364 pages






LÉODINE L'AFRICAINE, roman d’Albert Russo










Roman d’Albert Russo


EXILS AFRICAINS ... et il y eut David-Kanza


Ginkgo éditeur, Paris (diffusion CDE-Sodis)










Photos, prose and poems relating to my beloved mother Sarah Russo during her long itinerary from her birth in 1920 on the island of Rhodes (Greece), through Southern and Central Africa, Italy and Belgium, where she lived, as well as through her travels with my father around the world, and her last journey, on the 24th March 2013.  She was a passionate reader, in English, French, Italian and Spanish. A wonderful pianist, she loved poetry above all. But more than anything else, it was the purity of her soul we admired the most, with her compassion, her generosity and her sense of humor, for she could be very funny. Thinking of her, we now laugh, cry and laugh again.


Beautiful song in French by Calogero, entitled 'Le Portrait'

that reminds me of my beloved mother:




L'AMANT DE MON PÈRE: Journal parisien et Journal romain


disponible à la librairie 'Les mots à la bouche', Marais, Paris

et en ligne: http://textesgais.fr/